Wednesday June 14, 2006
McDoanald’s is guilty! Guilty of online bullying. McDoanald’s is involved in a double play whereby they are actively promoting a Simpsons-esque “farewell tour” for the McRib sandwich. At the same time they have created a fake “Save the McRib” campaign.
To launch this campaign they have stolen the domain name from MC Rib, a female rapper from Santa Fe, New Mexico. MC Rib had owned since 2001. McDonalds issued a cease and desist order to Verisign (who control the domain name system) in December of 2005. Verisign gave the domain to McDonald’s, claiming that MC Rib was cybersquatting.
![MC Rib MC Rib](/images/6.jpg)
MC Rib
Cybersquatting is defined as an individual who purchases a domain name only so they can resell the domain name at an inflated price. MC Rib was using the site to promote her hip-hop career, with no intent to sell it. Look at the Google cache of her site here, and see for yourself. Not only is MC Rib 100% INNOCENT of the charges brought against her, but HER PROPERTY was unreasonably seized from her WITHOUT A TRIAL! This is a clear violation of fourth amendment to the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION.
This is not “cybersquatting”, this is REVERSE DOMAIN HIJACKING. In this supposed the “land of the free”, we must not tolerate big business walking all over our citizens. We must stop McDonald’s and other large corporations from this ILLEGAL activity. STOP REVERSE DOMAIN HIJACKING. FIGHT FOR THE BILL OF RIGHTS! SIGN THE PETITION!
Update 2006/6/15: The google cache of MC Rib’s website has disappeared. I smell foul play.