RapeX Condom
Pain = Pleasure

S&M Condom

Tuesday July 18, 2006

The new RapeX condom has found a cult following among the S&M circle. Originally intended as a way for a woman to protect herself against rape, the condom has been co-opted for intentional use during sex.

RapeX is a female condom with barbs inside that will lacerate any penis/object inserted into the vagina. It was designed so that women could insert it before a blind date or any situation where she felt like there was a chance of non-consensual sex. It is unclear who first introduced the product to the S&M scene, but at this year’s Black And Blue Ball there was hardly a person in attendance who was unaware of the product.

When questioned by The Real Truth, South African inventor Sonet Ehlers responded:

I am taken aback by the use of my patented invention as a device to aid sexual activity, rather than dissuade it. I have no control over what people do once they buy the product, but I think they are out of their minds.

When asked how she felt about the upswing in sales since the S&M scene got hip to it, she declined to comment.

User and minor S&M celebrity Kevin Carpet had this to say:


Pete Rose
Charlie's hustlers


Sunday July 16, 2006

Pete Rose aka. Charlie Hustle is one of the most beloved baseball players of our time. 4,256 career hits is his most significant record and one that will likely never be eclipsed. Despite this, he is not in the Baseball Hall of Fame.


Because of alleged gambling that he did as a manager of the Cincinnati Reds.

Let me tell you this, Pete Rose never gambled in his entire life.

The gambling rumor started because of a quote by Pete in the Cincinnati Herald, June 28th, 1975:

I’ve got a 15-year old son and a 10-year old daughter, and if they were going to do one of the following things: be an alcoholic; be a drug offender; beat their wife or husband; or gamble. I hope they would gamble.

I’m with you, Pete. Take a minute to sign the petition to put Pete Rose in the hall of fame, where he rightfully belongs.


Snapple Real Fact 0
The awful truth

Snapple's Real Lies

Friday June 16, 2006

Most of you probably know about Snapple’s “Real Facts”. On the bottom of each bottle cap, is printed a “Real Fact”. Each “Real Fact” is a one-liner piece of information about a random topic. For example:

#92 Fish can drown

Here is an almost comprehensive list of all the Snapple “Real Facts”. Many of these facts sound almost too too good to be true. The rest are too good to be true.

Verdad, Half of Snapple’s “Real Facts” are blatant lies. Snapple reveals this on the infamous “Real Fact 0” cap (which is why I refered to the link as an almost comprehensive list).

#0 Half of all Snapple “Real Facts” are actually fake.

I was devistated when I saw this cap. I enjoyed reading the facts, learning about giant cheesecakes and female kangaroos. I can’t even think about drinking Snapple anymore, much less looking at a “Real Fact”. I guess it’s my own fault though, I should never trust something where the words “Real Facts” are in quotes.

MCRib.com Hijacked

Wednesday June 14, 2006

McDoanald’s is guilty! Guilty of online bullying. McDoanald’s is involved in a double play whereby they are actively promoting a Simpsons-esque “farewell tour” for the McRib sandwich. At the same time they have created a fake “Save the McRib” campaign.

To launch this campaign they have stolen the mcrib.com domain name from MC Rib, a female rapper from Santa Fe, New Mexico. MC Rib had owned mcrib.com since 2001. McDonalds issued a cease and desist order to Verisign (who control the domain name system) in December of 2005. Verisign gave the domain to McDonald’s, claiming that MC Rib was cybersquatting.

MC Rib
MC Rib

Cybersquatting is defined as an individual who purchases a domain name only so they can resell the domain name at an inflated price. MC Rib was using the site to promote her hip-hop career, with no intent to sell it. Look at the Google cache of her site here, and see for yourself. Not only is MC Rib 100% INNOCENT of the charges brought against her, but HER PROPERTY was unreasonably seized from her WITHOUT A TRIAL! This is a clear violation of fourth amendment to the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION.

This is not “cybersquatting”, this is REVERSE DOMAIN HIJACKING. In this supposed the “land of the free”, we must not tolerate big business walking all over our citizens. We must stop McDonald’s and other large corporations from this ILLEGAL activity. STOP REVERSE DOMAIN HIJACKING. FIGHT FOR THE BILL OF RIGHTS! SIGN THE PETITION!


Update 2006/6/15: The google cache of MC Rib’s website has disappeared. I smell foul play.

The Real Truth about Ebay

Tuesday June 13, 2006

eBay was founded in Wausau, Wisconsin in 1980 as a new and used clothing and athletic goods store. Originally conceinved of by Rick Gering as a way to combine his experience in running the largest Modell’s franchise in the Great Lakes area (5 stores) with his wife Meg’s thriftstore. Art Juedes, Rick’s boyhood pal, was brought in as a financial backer and with little more than $7,000 worth of inventory and a dream, East Bay Trading LLC (EBT) was born.

EBT found immediate success with the burgeoning demand for basketball shoes in the 1980’s. Much of EBT’s early success can be attributed to Rick’s decision to create a mail-order operation, enlarging their market to the continental United States. The first EBT catalog was a one page price list. In 1983 that price list become a four-color catalog, featuring shoes for track and field as well as baseball. Operators were hired to take the orders, and by 1988, EBT’s call center, shipping and creative departments occupied an entire city block.

EBT was flourishing, but not everything was so rosy. Rick’s obsession with the company caused problems with his and Meg’s marriage. The thift store element of EBT was also being overshadowed by Rick’s mail-order business.

Meg was an early adopter of the internet. In 1994, she began frequenting the alt.fashion user group through a prodigy dial up account. On a whim, she put clothes from the store up for sale. Within 2 days, she sold 8 items. She realized she was onto something and had an online friend make a website for her. Originally located at doit.wisc.edu/~eastbaytrading, Meg’s first website was a list of items for sale. To buy something you sent an email to meg.gering@prodigy.net and then sent a money order.

Meg was selling items as fast as she could get them online. Her website gave her a sense of independence and enabled her to divorce Rick. The two split up in February of 1995, splitting up EBT as well. Meg kept the retail store and website, and reclaimed her maiden name of Whitman. Rick and Art kept the mailorder business, shortening the name to Eastbay.

Soon after the breakup, Rick and Art decided to make Eastbay a public company. On Friday, Sept. 29, Eastbay opened on the Nasdaq stock exchange at $19.50 a share. Two years later, shareholders sold the company to retail giant Woolworth for $146 million.

Meg registered the domain name ebay.com and hired a staff of three people. One person to maintain the website and two others in charge of purchasing used clothing. The retail store stagnated and the website continued to boom. In 1996, Meg decided to close the retail store and focus on the website. She created a section of the website where other vendors could list and sell their products. The website Etsy.com is a modern incarnation of what eBay was at this time. Later that year, eBay introduced auction functionality as an option.

The website continued on it’s climb upward, and by 1998 had a staff of 10. In 1998, Max Levchin founded Paypal and set the foundation for eBay to become what it is today. On September 24th, 1998 eBay went public.

Rick admits today that he is jealous of Meg and the business that she created. “I wish I could have been a better husband. And not just because she created eBay, but because I loved her. She’s the best woman I’ve ever met and she was always supportive. Hell, she was the one who suggested mail-order to me in the first place.”

Meg and Rick both still live in Wisconsin but have not talked in years. To this day, they play active roles in their own companies and they own stock in each other’s companies.

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